We Invite You…
Join us at our next Meeting, Workshop, or Operating Event.
Scroll Down for More Info about our club below.
Guests are always welcome to any of these events!
MEETINGS: The second Tuesday of every month (except December) starts at 7:00 pm.
WORKSHOPS: The third Tuesday of every month (except December) starts at 7:00 pm.
We meet on the second Tuesday of every month, except December. Guests are always welcome to our functions!
WHEN: Second Tuesday – Doors open at 6:30 pm, Meeting Starts at 7:00 pm.
WHERE: EAA 690 Hangar, Gwinnett County Airport – Briscoe Field, 690 Airport Rd, Lawrenceville, GA 30046
PROGRAM: April 8 – Tom Crowley KT4XN – Low-Cost HF Rigs and Kits. Some are QRP, QRPp, all digital, SSB, etc. kits and ready-made units from vendors other than the Big Three (Icom, Kenwood, and Yaesu)
- April 8 – Tom Crowley KT4XN – Low-Cost HF Rigs and Kits
- May 13 – Arduino with Chuck Hardt WD9IAR
- June 10 – Ice Cream Social
- June 28-29 Field Day
- July 15 – Operating Etiquette – VHF/HF, Rag Chew vs Contest – Various Speakers
PREVIOUS PRESENTATIONS: Click here to view our Previous Presentations.
The GARS Workshop meets on the third Tuesday of every month, except December. Guests are always welcome! Doors open at 6:30 pm, Meeting Starts at 7:00 pm. The presentation starts after brief introductions and announcements. Hands-on operation for your questions.
WHEN: Third Tuesday – Doors open at 6:30 pm, Meeting Starts at 7:00 pm.
WHERE: EAA 690 Hangar, Gwinnett County Airport – Briscoe Field, 690 Airport Rd, Lawrenceville, GA 30046
- April 15 – Tom Crowley KT4XN – Low Cost HF Rigs and Kits – The show-n-tell where folks can bring in their QRP, POTA, SOTA, ARES GoKit rigs and tell you about their rigs.
- May 20 – TBD
- June 17 – Configure the Logging Network PCs and test cables before Field Day
- July 22 – Operating Etiquette – Various Contests and How to Make Exchanges Efficiently
MORE INFO: Click here for more information about our Monthly Workshops
PREVIOUS PRESENTATIONS: Click here to view our Previous Presentations.
Lake Lanier Dog Show March 26th & 30th – Wednesday – Sunday
This is a fun and rewarding annual fundraising event for both GARS and Gwinnett ARES. We have been doing this event for 27 years. Our duties include collecting entrance fees, giving directions, answering questions, directing traffic inside the park, and keeping the unloading zones clear.
Location: Gwinnett Fair Grounds
Dates: March 26, 27, 28, 29, and 30, Wednesday – Sunday
Times, Two 4-Hour Shifts per Day: 6:00 AM – 10:00 AM and 10:00 AM – 2:00 PM
Duties we provide: Parking fee collection at the Davis St parking lot. 3-5 volunteers. Staff the various entrance gates, 2-3 volunteers, 4 sites. Control the flow of traffic. Control the No Parking and Unloading Zones. Answer questions.
Items to Bring: Weather-appropriate clothing. It can be cold in the mornings. We typically have one rainy day; bring boots, a poncho, and an umbrella. Yellow Safety Vest. GARS Ball Cap (new volunteers will receive one). Flashlight or Head Light (sunrise approx 7:30 AM). 2m HT; Simplex 146.550 Primary. Sunblock, sunglasses, chapstick, umbrella. Camping chair
FREE Coffee, Donuts, and Lunch: Coffee and donuts will be provided, and a buffet-style lunch will be served.
Loads of fun. See the photos: https://groups.io/g/GARS/album?id=285588
We need 12-15 volunteers per 4-hour shift each day: Sign up here
GARS 2 Meter NET
Join GARS for our weekly Monday Night; Want, Sell, Swap, and Information Net,
WHEN: Every Monday Night – Starting at 7:30 PM
WHERE: GARS Primary 2M Repeater on 147.075 MHz (+ offset), CTCSS = 82.5 Hz
REPEATERS: GARS Repeater Systems
List net control stations: Link to spreadsheet for operators
Join GARS members for Breakfast.
WHEN: Most Saturday mornings – Starting around 7:30 AM
WHERE: This Saturday at the Cracker Barrel
Lawrenceville-Suwannee and I-85 interchange.
Join GARS members for Lunch at Chili’s google map
WHEN: Most Fridays – Starting around 11:30 AM
WHERE: 947 Lawrenceville-Suwanee Rd, Lawrenceville, GA 30043
You are invited to join your fellow GARS members for dinner before our monthly GARS Meetings and Workshops at Chili’s.
WHEN: Second and Third Tuesday of every month, except December – 5:00 PM to 6:30 PM
WHERE: 947 Lawrenceville-Suwanee Rd, Lawrenceville, GA 30043
Monthly Ham Radio Exams for all levels of license – Preregistration is REQUIRED.
WHEN: Third Sunday of every month — Exams start promptly at 3:00pm — Doors open at 2:45pm.
WHERE: EAA 690 Hangar – 690 Airport Rd, Lawrenceville, GA 30046.
MORE INFO: Click here for more information, and to pre-register.
ADDITIONAL: We also administer exams at the annual GARS TechFest on the 2nd Saturday of January (go to http://TechFest.info for more details), and at the annual Stone Mountain Hamfest on the 1st full weekend of November on both Saturday and Sunday (go to https://StoneMountainHamfest.com/ for more details) (subject to change).
EAA 690 – Hangar #1
Gwinnett County Airport – Briscoe Field
690 Airport Rd
Lawrenceville, GA 30046
(Near the intersection of Hwy 316 and Hi-Hope Road)
Talk-in is usually available on the
147.075+ MHz, PL=82.5 Hz repeater
for most GARS events held at the EAA 690 Hangar.
The entrance to the EAA 690 hangar is shown here.
CLICK ON THE IMAGE for a larger map and to get directions.
Please enter the gate on the right.
Follow it around the back of the buildings to the parking area.