2015 Programs
Jan 13th. Rick Cobb, N4XYY, GARS President will do a presentation on sounds in your shack. “The Ins and Outs of Audio”
Feb. 10th. Kyle Albritton W4KDA, will discuss “FL Digi”, and uses in your shack.
Mar. 10th. Hal Collier, W4IGE EC for Gwinnett County ARES will do a presentation on ARES in Gwinnett and how you can help.
Apr. 14th. Dr. John Kludt, K4SQC, “Introduction into Amateur Radio Satellites” www.amsat.org
May 12th. David Adcock, KA4KKF, will present Logging, Search & Pounce in Prepaing for Field Day.
Jun. 9th. David Adcock, KA4KKF, will present “Prepping For Field Day 2015” at Field Day Site. ICE CREAM SOCIAL (bring your chair)
Jul. 14th. Why upgrading by ND4V, Mike Weathers and WA4ZXV, Norm Schklar
Aug. 11th. Working half the US on 2 meter and above by K4CSO, Charles Osborne
Sep. 8th. The SARK110 antenna analyzer by WK2Y, Bob Gerzoff http://www.sark110.com/
Oct. 13th. Lightning protection and grounding by AI4UD, Greg Abernathy http://www.arrl.org/lightning-protection
Nov. 10th. The Massive Home-brew Show and Tell
Dec. 4th. GARS annual C H R I S T M A S P A R T Y