Repeater Nets


GARS (Gwinnett Amateur Radio Society) holds the Want, Sell, Swap and Information Net, on Monday evenings at 7:30 PM (1930 local time).

Our Net Manager can be reached by email. Click Here to Email our Net Manager

The nets are run on 147.075 MHz (+)  CTCSS 82.5 Hz  Snellville.





The club also has several other following repeaters for your use:

53.110 MHz (-)     CTCSS  82.5 Hz  Buford           442.100 MHz (+)  CTCSS 100.0 Hz  Norcross

147.255 MHz (+)  CTCSS 107.2 Hz  Snellville       442.325 MHz (+)  CTCSS 100.0 Hz  Buford

224.580 MHz (-)   CTCSS 100.0 Hz  Grayson        444.525 MHz (+)  CTCSS   82.5 Hz  Snellville

See for more information.


Click here for a listing of other ARRL-affiliated nets.