Streaming Amateur Radio Programs Part 1
This month’s column is relevant for both new and veteran hams We are very fortunate in the Internet age that we are able to watch programs about amateur radio on streaming video. Here are the ones I know of:
Amateur Radio Round Table. This is a new streaming video program. It has only been around for a few weeks as of the writing. The link is W5KUB has streamed the Huntsville Hamfest for several years, and has recently streamed live coverage of the Dayton Hamvention. They go out live Tuesdays at 9 pm ET on You can see archives of past programs on the web site. Here is a screen print of the program I just watched.
HamRadioNow.TV ( , or is a streaming program that has been around for a long time. It, too, is not a slick professional production, but it does cover a variety of topics. They are up to Episode 191. Gary Pearce, KN4AQ is the moderator. Many programs are produced in his studio, but he occasionally travels to hamfests and other amateur radio related functions. Some of the programs are slow, but again there is a wide variety of topics. Here are some of my favorite episodes:
Episode 171: Ham Radio at the State Fair
Episode 165 PART ONE: On the Road (Home)
Episode 135: WW8N Tower Case
Episode 101: A Tale of Two Emcomm (vehicles)
Episode 137 Part 1: K9W Wake Atoll DXpedition
Episode 137 Part 2: FT5ZM Amsterdam Island DXpedition
The latter two are listed together. The Wake Island presentation is my all-time favorite, and the Amsterdam Island one is my second favorite. We had a presentation on Amsterdam Island in GARS last year. For those of you who missed it and would like to see it again, the presenter is different, but the presentation is quite similar. Wish I could have gone on one of those DXpeditions!
I have run out of space for this month, so I will continue with this topic next month.