For all available photos, see: GARS Silent Key Photos
- “Chuck” Charles F. Adams Jr, KV4VT
- Georgia and North America Administrator for Repeater Book
- Repeater Book Guest Speaker at our GARS Workshop and the Stone Mountain HamFest
- Photo of Chuck KV4VT
- “Bill” William E. Grimes, WG9NUW
- Bill served as a Net Control Operator for many years
- Bill enjoyed participating with GARS during the GA QSO Party and Field Day
- Photo of Bill WG9UNW from his QRZ page, of Bill and his wife Ruth, and him circled in the GARS 2014 Group Photo
- “Sid” Sidney B. Weaver, N4NQ
- Sid served as GARS Treasurer for many years
- Sid also served as a Volunteer Examiner on the GARS Exam team and held the position of Co-Leader for many years
- He loved chasing DX and then spotting them on our email reflector
- He also loved participating in many GARS events such as the GA QSO Party and ARRL Field Day
- Here are photos of Sid N4NQ from his QRZ page and GARS Field Day
- “Dave” David L. Adanich, K8WDJ
- Was a valued member of the GARS Volunteer Examiner Team
- GARS Field Day Station Captain; 2009 and 2013
- Dave held many volunteer positions in Gwinnett Cou.nty; CERT Training Coordinator, Citizen’s Fire Academy, Citizen’s Police Academy, plus Clerical and Administrative Volunteer at the Gwinnett County Fire Department.
- 1st photos of Dave K8WDJ, 2nd photo, 3rd photo
- Rich A. Armstrong, WM9X
- GARzette Editor from Oct 2003 to Jan 2004 before moving to Utah.
- Photo of Rich WM9X from his QRZ page
- “Don” Donald W. Bagby, KK4NJM
- An active member of the GARS VE Team for 7 years and held the position of Co-CVE (Co-Contact VE) for most of those.
- Photo of Don KK4NJM
- David L. Thompson, K4JRB
- David was first licensed in 1957. He enjoyed working DX and contests and had 340/379 (current/total) confirmed in the ARRL DXCC Mixed Standings. He was a top-notch SSB Contest operator winning the US for the ARRL Sweepstakes SSB (twice), ARRL DX SSB (twice), and CW Sweepstakes DX SSB (twice). Over the years he gave back to the hobby in many ways including stints as CQ 160 Meter Contest Director, Assistant ARRL Director of two different Divisions for a total of 25 years, and was the ARRL SE Division DXAC member between 2010 and early 2018. He was a Life Member of the ARRL and belonged to SECC, SEDXC, and QCWA.
- Photo of David K4JRB
- Johnny Beckman, W4BTX
- Bruce Brown, WA8IQF
- Drawing of Bruce WA8IQF and a photo of Bruce at Field Day 2014. Bruce was a frequent contributor to GARS events.
- “Bill” William Kelly, W4WNK
Roger D. Kuykendall, K5YJB
- “Phil” Philip L McCleary, N4LNE
- Thomas Whalen, KE4UXW
- Carl Alan Wulfestieg, WZ4CW
- Curtis Young, WA4HCE
- “Rich ” Richard Arland, K7SZ
- Author of 7 QRP books, QST QRP columnist for 3 years, and various other articles in; QST, CQ, CQ-VHF, Popular Communications, Worldradio, Monitoring Times, and National Monitoring. He served as an ARRL Technical Advisor and Official Emergency Station since 1990. He was retired from the USAF after ser20 yearsyears.
- Photo of Rich K7SZ
- “Rickey” Richard Barnes, W4IXN
- GARS Founding Member
- Antoinette K. Bigham, KK4WOB
- Rob Hoppe, KI4SBT
- Robert A. Kimsey, KM4BHK
- “Manny” Manuel Romero, KD4LXR
- “Mike” Michael Swiderski, K4HBI
- Member of the ARRL A-1 Operator Club and an ARRL OOC – Official Observer Coordinator, Georgia Section. Mike also served as a GARS Technical / RFI Advisor and a member of the GARS VE Team. Volunteered and maintained the SciTrek Amateur Radio Society (STARS) amateur radio station at the SciTrek hands-on Tech museum in Atlanta, where visitors learned about Ham Radio.
- Photo of Mike K4HBI
- Marq Collins, WJ4ORG
- GARS VE Team Member
- “Nick” Nicholas Doemland, AB4CQ
- GARS VE Team Member
- Jack Shipley, W4UVQ
- GARS VE Team Member
- Robert Smith, WA4VTY
- “Sam” Samuel W. Thomas, AB4HZ
- Fred Murphy, KG4VTF
- Al Seaman, WA2CBM
- Carter Bennett, K4CB
- Alvin Hartley, KJ4QIA
- Jan Jubon, K2HJ
- Clarence D “Red” Upthegrove, AJ4S
- George May, KC4ZKT
- Ira “Louis” Shulman, KJ4DRW
- GARS VE Team Member
- “Ray” Marvin R. Back, KI4GRJ
- Tech Fest Chairman 2006, Associate Advisor – Amateur Radio Venture Crew 73
- Eagle Scout, Assistant Scout Master – Troop 514, Member of the Apalachee District Committee serving the Boy Scouts in Northern Gwinnett County.
- See Ray’s tribute article in the January 2014 GARzette, page 4.
- 1st photo of Ray KI4GRJ, 2nd photo , 3rd photo
- Glen Robinson, (missing call sign)
- GARS Founding Member, Co-Founder of Scientific Atlanta.
- Doyle Whiteaker, KD4QB
- “Vic” Victar Farr, K4RUL
- GARS Founding Member
- Edward Juzumas, WA2BIG
- GARS VE Team Member
- Gordon Anthony, KF4OKA
- “Dick” Arthur Sandberg, N9SXJ
- William Drady Hendley II, KG4OAH
- Chief Warrant Officer for the Georgia State Defense Force, active in the Coast Guard Auxiliary, and Amateur Radio
- Sandy Donahue, W4RU
- Johnny Fearon, W4WKP
- GARS Founding Member, see Johnny’s tribute article in the December 2009 GARzette
- Carmine Guerrazzi, K1CFW
- Joe Mecheril, N2BBC
- Howard “Howie” Gould, W9HG
- Past President of GARS
- GARS VE Team Leader
- George Patsios, W4VMZ
- “Fred” Frederick S. Runkle, K4KAZ
- Carl H Plotz, WB9JSW
- GARS Ham of the Year – 2005, see his award and photo in the January 2006 GARzette, page 4
- Woodrow Keith Brown, WB4DDR
- GARS Founding Member, ARRL Life Member
- Johnny Robertson, (no call)
- GARS Founding Member
- John Searcy Hollis, W4HBL
- GARS Founding Member
- Burl Lee Sexton, WA4ZBH
- GARS Founding Member
- Photo of Burl WA4ZBH
- Dr. “Larry” Lorimer Clayton Jr, W4LDB
- GARS Founding Member
Year(s) Unknown
- “Mike” Michael T. Bales KN4MJW
- Robert H Hendley, KG4TYD
- Active Gwinnett ARES member