Monthly Workshops

The GARS Workshop meets on the third Tuesday of every month, except December. Guests are always welcome! Doors open at 6:30 pm.

The Workshop starts at 7:00 pm. The presentation starts after brief introductions and announcements. See below for directions.

The GARS Workshop is independent of the GARS General Membership meeting (which is held the second Tuesday of every month, except December). The purpose of the GARS Workshop is to provide local hams (new and experienced alike) a monthly opportunity to ask questions and to learn, hands-on, from other hams. We get a speaker every month to give a brief presentation (usually just 15 to 20 minutes long), then we transition into the “Workshop” portion of the meeting where we go hands-on and help attendees implement what was just taught and answer questions (for example: install and configure software, program radios, learn to solder, build antennas, etc.).

Also during the Workshop, you will have the opportunity to ask other ham radio-related questions that are not related to that month’s presentation.

The GARS Workshop targets 3 groups of people:

1 – Those with questions. Whether you are unlicensed, a new ham, or a seasoned ham wanting to learn something new.

2 – Those who want to learn from other people’s questions. Not everyone is comfortable asking questions, and that’s okay.

3 – Those who want to help answer questions. This includes anyone who is proficient at any one or more of the various aspects of ham radio. You don’t have to be an expert. You just need to be willing to share your knowledge and experience with others. This also includes anyone who wants to Elmer/Mentor another individual. This will be an excellent opportunity to help a fellow ham.

Third Tuesday of every month (except December).
Doors open at 6:30 pm.
To get email invites and reminders to the online Workshop join the GARS email group,
Workshops start at 7:00 pm.
Guests are always welcome to our Meetings and Workshops.

WHERE: GARS Meeting Location

PREVIOUS PRESENTATIONS: Click here to view our Previous Presentations.