Previous Presentations

All of the Previous Presentations that we have collected are listed here with a short write-up and links to the presentation files and our YouTube channel, GarsTube.  Not all meetings had formal presentations and therefore no files are available.

  • Meeting Programs are in GREEN
  • Workshops are in BLUE
  • TechFest and other Forums are in RED
  • You can also view the previous presentation list straight from the server

GarsTube – Our YouTube Videos

  • We have a vast library of videos on different ham radio topics to watch.
  • Please subscribe to our GarsTube YouTube channel, and be sure to click on the bell icon to be notified when new videos are available.

2025-02-21 – Transmission Lines for Amateur Radio – Kevin Scott K4GTR

For this Workshop Kevin brought in test equipment and examples of various types of RF transmission lines.

2025-02-14 – Transmission Lines for Amateur Radio – Kevin Scott K4GTR

Kevin K4GTR gave a quick overview of the history of RF Transmission lines from; Open Line, Ladder Line, to Twin-Lead, and why we have 50 and 75 ohm coaxial cables.  He discussed the various parameters that affect their characteristics and discussed their Performance versus Frequency.  There were lots of charts and grafts.

2025-01-21 – General Workshop

We were not able to have a follow-up of High Altitude Balloons.  The Workshop became a planning meeting.

2025-01-14 – High Altitude Balloons – Jack McElroy KM4ZIA

Jack gave a very interesting presentation bout his adventure in launching and recovering High Altitude Balloons.

2024-12-07 – Holiday Party – GARS HOTY

GARS celebrated its annual Holiday party with food, fun & games along with the awarding of the GARS Ham of the Year Award to Paul Kelley W4KLY.

2024-11-19 – General Workshop

We were not able to follow up on Steve’s Modulation presentation so we discussed the HamFest, GARS Holiday Party, TechFest and Walt’s Tilt-up Vertical antenna.

2024-11-12 – Modulation – Steve Back WB4OGY

Steve WB4OGY discussed various Modulation Techniques such as FM, AM, SSB, and Digital without getting into all the technical details and math for the digital modes.

2024-10-15 – General Workshop

We didn’t have any discussion on GARS Show-n-Tell, Home Brew, or Favorite Projects so we dove into; Walt’s Tilt-up Vertical Antenna project, JOTA, HamFest Volunteers, GARS Holiday Party, and TechFest. Harry brought in his IC-7100 and got help from Steve WB2OGY and David KA4KKF to get his rig and laptop configured to work FT-8.

2024-10-08 – GARS Show-n-Tell, Home Brew/Favorite Projects

The GARS Show-n-Tell has become an Annual GARS Event where members share their favorite ham radio projects. It could be a rig that was restored or a kit that was built. Or experiments with a new antenna or piece of electronic test equipment.

2024-09-17 – General Workshop

We didn’t get into Simple Get on the Air Antennas so we discussed the HamFest, GARS HamCram (Sept 28 & 29), TechFest (Jan 11th) and DMR radio.

2024-09-10 – Simple Get on the Air Antennas for HF, VHF, and UHF – Dallas N4DDM

Dallas N4DDM went over some basic antennas for HF, VHF, and UHF that you can plan, build, and put up in a few days even if you live in an HOA (Home Owners Association aka Horribly Overbearing Autocrats).

2024-08-20 – What can I do with DMR – Bob Hoffmann K4CQO

In this Workshop Bob K4CQO and Mark KN2TOD helped at least 4 set up their DMR radios and HotSpots. Other topics discussed were the November HamFest and Winter Field Day

2024-08-13 – What can I do with DMR – Bob Hoffmann K4CQO

Bob, K4CQO talked about the benefits and capabilities of using DMR. This was an introduction to how DMR provides phone connection without getting bogged down into the technical inner details of DMR. Bob currently runs the Georgia Digital and the Wednesday Digital Net on DMR Talk Group 3113.

2024-07-16 – Mobile Installations – Alex Kowalchuk AK4AM

This Workshop was mostly an outside event where Alex showcased his mobile installation and others jumped in and showed their installations too.

2024-07-09 – Mobile Installations – Alex Kowalchuk AK4AM

Alex, AK4AM gave a tutorial about installing a Ham Radio into your vehicle, including antenna mounting ideas, radio mounting, and radio power options.

2024-06-18 – Preps for Field Day, Installing and configuring N3FJP logging software

The main agenda item was to get N3FJP logging software installed and configured before Field Day.

2024-06-11 – Ice Cream Social and Field Day Preparations at Harbins Park

We had cup-cakes and ice cream at our Ice Cream Social and quickly reviewed station Captains and station locations.

2024-05-21 – SOTA (Summits on the Air) – Kevin Igarashi-Ball W4KIB

Kevin W4KIB brought in some of his Summits on the Air (SOTA) gear so we could look it over and ask questions.

2024-05-14 – SOTA (Summits on the Air) – Kevin Igarashi-Ball W4KIB

Kevin W4KIB presented Summits on the Air (SOTA). SOTA encourages amateur radio operators to get out and play radio in a portable setting. Similar to Parks on the Air (POTA), SOTA is focused on getting to specific summits and making contacts. Keven noted that we have multiple summits within an hour or two drive from Gwinnett, we have one summit right in our backyard. Kevin talked about some of the rules and procedures of the program, key tools for finding summits, and getting yourself spotted, mixing POTA and SOTA, and what equipment you might need for your activation.

2024-04-16 – General Workshop

Not all Workshops follow the General Meeting Presentation.  We discussed Field Day and future presentations and workshops.

2024-04-09 – STEM Ideas and Follow-up – Tom Crowley KT4XN

Tom KT4XN presented the importance of STEM in today’s schools, along with the STEM projects he is involved in. This is an area where Ham radio operators can work getting today’s youth interested in STEM. Tom discussed GATech’s STEM programs, Society of Amateur Radio Astronomy Grant Program, and 2 projects being done by high school students at Paul Duke STEM school.

2024-03-19 – Antenna Modeling – Lee Johnson N4WYE

The workshop focused on using the Antenna Modeling software discussed during the March presentation.

2024-03-12 – Antenna Modeling – Lee Johnson N4WYE

Lee introduced antenna modeling and techniques he has used over the last four years to design, analyze, and optimize his small antenna farm on a one-half-acre lot. Lee started with a 40M dipole in his attic, then ventured outside with an 80M Off-Center Fed (OCF) Dipole. Next came the End Fed Half Wave dipoles, both vertical and horizontal versions. Most recently, he has been operating with both 80 and 40-meter horizontal Loops. The modeling program, MMANA-GAL, allowed him to get the most performance out of his lot and HOA situation.

2024-02-20 – Soldering Surface Mount Technology (SMT) Devices Part 2 – Kevin Scott K4GTR

Part 2 of this Workshop focued on the PCB layout side of KiCAD.

2024-02-13 – Soldering Surface Mount Technology (SMT) Devices Part 2 – Kevin Scott K4GTR

Part 2 of this presentation focued on the PCB layout side of KiCAD.

2024-01-16 – Soldering Surface Mount Technology (SMT) Devices Part 1 – Kevin Scott K4GTR 

The workshop focused on using the KiCAD package for circuit design.

  • No presentation files are available.

2024-01-13 – TechFest – NanoVNA (Vector Network Analyzer) – Lee Johnson N4WYE

This is at least the 4th time Lee has given this presentation in the Metro Atlanta area and it still draws a crowd as more folks buy a NanoVNA.  Back in January 2021, Lee gave an earlier version of this presentation at a GARS meeting and then followed up with a GARS Workshop in February 2021.  There is also a GarsTube video so check that out.  In this version, Lee has updated the slides and added a little info about the NanoSA (Spectrum Analyzer).

2024-01-13 – TechFest – AREDN – Kevin Igarashi-Ball W4KIB

First, this presentation is a take-off of the presentation Kevin and Larry AB4NX gave at a GARS meeting in November.  This presentation is to a wider audience and gives an overview of AREDN and the infrastructure needed for the many applications that a high-speed Amateur Radio Digital Network can be used for.  Kevin then went into the Gwinnett AREDN development which is in the Proof of Concept stage where we are educating our local hams and looking for possible sites on high ground.  Kevin went over some of the challenges of “Line of Site” communications.  He finished up by going over the hardware needed and First Steps.

2024-01-13 – TechFest – Amateur Radio Digital Communications – Rebecca Key KO4KVG

Rebecca is the Communications Manager of ARDC and she gave an intro of ARDC and their grants in the areas of; Growth, Education & Scholarships, and Research & Development as they relate to Amateur Radio.  Key topics included; How to apply for a grant to help your amateur radio club/group grow.  What is 44Net/AMPRNet.

2024-01-13 – TechFest – Antenna Modeling – Lee Johnson N4WYE

In this presentation, Lee explains what Antenna Modeling is and touches the background of such software.  Then he gets into how to use it and why he chose this version.  Don’t let Maxwell’s Equations scare you, your computer will do all of the heavy math.  With modeling software you might reduce the number of times you calculate antenna dimensions, raise, lower, and adjust your antenna.  Plus you can visualize your antenna’s gain and radiation pattern.  Then with the aid of a Polar Map, also known as a Great Circle Map, you can see where your antenna will focus its energy.

2024-01-09 – Soldering Surface Mount Technology (SMT) Devices Part 1 – Kevin Scott K4GTR

Kevin Scott, K4GTR, presented the current circuit layout capabilities using KiCAD. He also talked about inexpensive places to have your circuit layout produced.

  • No presentation files are available.

2023-11-14 – AREDN MESH – Larry Whited AB4NX and Kevin Igarashi-Ball W4KIB

Larry AB4NX one of our ARRL Technical Specialists and Kevin W4KIB explained how AREDN (Amateur Radio Emergency Data Network) uses off-the-shelf WiFI routers flashed with special software to provide hams with a high-speed data network.   These networks offer a variety of tools independent of the Internet such as; VOIP phones, IP cameras, chat, and email services.

  • Their presentation files are in both PDF and PowerPoint.
  • GARS Tube link coming soon.

2023-10-18 – Show-n-Tell – Favorite Ham Projects

The Workshop broke out into 3 major groups; DMR Hotspots, MESH Networks, and various topics centered around topics at GARS Meetings and Workkshops with a big focus on the need for volunteers at the Stone Mountain HamFest in November.  Also discussed were various antenna projects; Fan-Dipole versus EFHW and the need for antenna modeling to understand the effects of antenna height and ground slop to visualize the takeoff angle for DX versus NVIS antennas.

  • No presentation files are available.

2023-10-10 – Show-n-Tell – Favorite Ham Projects – Hosted by Kevin Scott K4GTR

This is truly a GARS Hit Event.  Various GARS members shared their Favorite Ham Projects and answered questions.

  • Favorite Ham Project files in both PDF and PowerPoint
  • GARS Tube link coming soon.

2023-09-19 – Favorite Ham Radio and Related Websites and Apps

Nobody present wanted to go over Favorite Websites and Apps so folks broke into groups and went over DRM Hot Spots, the flashing of a MicroTik Access Point with AREDN MESH software.  Plus we had various other discussions about the upcoming Stone Mountain HamFest, recruiting volunteers for the HamFest, and the new GA ARES website.

  • No presentation files are available.

2023-09-12 – GARS Favorite Websites and Phone Apps – Hosted by Kevin Scott K4GTR

Tonight’s presentation was hosted by Kevin K4GTR and is one of our favorites and has become an annual event where various GARS members share links to some of their favorite Ham-Radio-related websites.

  • GARS Favorite Websites and Phone Apps file is in PDF format.
  • GARS Tube link coming soon.

2023-08-15 – Workshop – Mobile Radio Installations – Alex Kowalchuk AK4AM

This was one of our highest-attended Workshops of the year. Alex gave a brief review of his presentation and then most of us went outside to look at the various instalations of radios and antennas.

  • No presentation files are available.

2023-08-08 – Mobile Radio Installations – Alex Kowalchuk AK4AM

Alex, AK4AM, gave an excellent presentation on how to install a radio in your vehicle.  Plenty of photos of his and other club members’ vehicles showing how to route and hide cables. Mounting ideas for radios, speakers, and antennas.  Since it was still daylight when the meeting was over a few stayed and showed off their radio installations.

2023-07-18 – GARS Repeaters – David Adcock KA4KKF

David KA4KKF was available to answer questions on GARS repeaters.  We discussed the pros and cons of a new repeater site in the Northern part of the county.  Joe AD4PZ and Steve WB2OGY discussed line-of-site obstacles between their QTHs and various repeater sites.  Other topics were DMR, MagLoop antennas, and possible meeting topics

  • No presentation files are available.

2023-07-11 – The GARS repeater system – David Adcock KA4KKF

David gave an overview of the GARS repeater system listing; where the various repeaters were, approximate antenna heights and coverage, location of remote receivers, and future plans.

2023-06-20 – Field Day Preparations – David Adcock KA4KKF

David KA4KKF and the Station Captains used this opportunity to get the N3FJP Field Day logging PCs configured. Also discussed were Field Day setup time, station layout, and antenna placement. Earl AF4FG passed out GARS Field Day T-shirts to those who ordered them. Bob K4CQO and Mark KN2TOD had a small gathering of folks around the DMR table.

  • No presentation files are available.

2023-06-13 – Annual Ice Cream Social and 50-Year Anniversary Celebration

We had a brief discussion about Field Day at this meeting followed by our annual ice cream social at Harbins Park. We had a great turnout with folks enjoying ice cream and cupcakes followed by door prizes in celebration of our 50th anniversary.

  • No presentation files are available.

2023-05-09 – Fox Hunting – Joe Biddle AD4PZ

Due to a massive amount of rain attendance for this Workshop was way down and since none of the Fox Hunters were present, Joe saved his After Action Review of the Harbins Park Fox Hunt for later.  David KA5KKF used this opportunity to briefly go over some Field Day planning and the building of 1/4 wave stubs to help reduce inter-station interference.  Earl AF5FG went over how the Dacula Memorial Day Parade will be different this year with the parade flowing in the opposite direction.  Most of our work in the parking lot will be the same except the participants will exit the parking by the gazebo.  Elmers stepped forward to help Tom KQ4HHV program his new HT.

  • No presentation files are available.

2023-05-09 – Fox Hunting – Jim Sorenson KA4IIA & Joe Biddle AD4PZ

Jim, Joe, and with comments from Tim Lemmon KW4U they gave us the ins and outs of how to do a successful Fox Hunt, also known as a Transmitter Hunt.  There were plenty of examples of antennas, attenuators, pre-amplifiers, offset attenuators, and other gadgets, plus useful tips to help with a hunt and how to narrow down the search area.  A follow-up Fox Hunt was scheduled for the following Saturday at Harbins Park.

2023-04-18 – Pi-Star A Digital Repeater On Your Desktop – Mark Prichard KN2TOD

Of the 14 that attended the Workshop; 8 owned a least 1 DMR hotspot and a DMR radio, only 1 owned just a DMR radio, and 3 others showed interest in getting into DMR.    Mark and Bob K4CQO held the record for the number of DMR/Pi-Star hotspots owned.  Mark and Bob helped a few get their Pi-Star hotspots and DMR radios configured.  All in all, this was a very successful and informative Workshop. 

DMR Digital Mobile Radio

2023-04-11 – Pi-Star A Digital Repeater On Your Desktop – Mark Prichard KN2TOD

Mark gave a lengthy and very informative presentation providing information on selecting, assembling, and configuring a digital hotspot; utilizing the hotspot for QSOs and Nets; reporting and logging; and creating code plugs to connect to repeaters/talk groups/networks. At the end of the presentation, we were invited to look at the various, live/functioning, Pi-Star hotspots Richard had on display.  The hands-on part will be covered next week at the Workshop.

2023-03-21 – Ribbit – A new digital texting mode for VHF & UHF – Pierre Deliou W4CKX

For this Workshop we focused on getting the Ribbit files installed and configured then spent the rest of the time sending random test messages.

  • No presentation files are available.

2023-03-14 – Ribbit – A new digital texting mode for VHF & UHF – Pierre Deliou W4CKX

Pierre is the creator of Ribbit which is a new Digital Messaging mode for VHF/UHF for recreational and emergency use.  It can also be used on HF and SHF.  It simply leverages the computing power of a smartphone to acoustically couple the microphones and speakers of your HT and smartphone to transfer digital messages.  No other hardware or cables are required.

2023-02-21 – Volunteers in Amateur Radio – Various Speakers

This Workshop focused on getting volunteers for various GARS events.  The main focus was on the GA QSO Party in April, our annual Dog Show/Funder Raiser, the Dacula Memorial Day Parade, and Field Day.  We discusses other events where we could try to get more members out and on the radio with a focus on New Hams and those with only a Tech license.

  • No presentation files are available.
  • Volunteer opportunities and sign-up sheets are on the GARS home page.

2023-02-14 – Amateur Radio Emergency Service (ARES) – Hal Coller W4IGE

The first half of Hal’s presentation was of interest to the GARS members and the second half provided information about ARES and its various aspects of operation and how ham radio operators can participate.

2023-01-17 – The World Below 160 Meters – Kevin Scott K4GTR

In this Workshop, Kevin continued his “Below 160m” presentation with live audio of various stations he could receive with a magnetic loop antenna at the EAA hangar.

  • See the Jan 7th files

2023-01-07 – The World Below 160 Meters – Kevin Scott K4GTR

Kevin’s presentation was on the Ham Bands below 160m and other things we can listen to.  He went into great detail on the modes used on 630 and 2200 meters.  Most interesting were antennas for those low bands and the transverters needed to transmit on those bands.

2022-12-03 – GARS Holiday Party and GARS Ham of the Year

Attendance was estimated at 50+ and was a great time with friends.  Ralph Pickwick KJ4CNC was selected and awarded as our Ham of the Year 2022. See the December GARzette for more info and photos of the Holiday Party and Ham of the Year.

  • No presentation files are available.

2022-11-15 – Radio Astronomy for Hams – Tom Crowley KT4XN

During this Workshop, Tom brought in a half-dozen show-n-tell Radio Astronomy items that are within reach of those wanting to explore space/time through radio.  One showed how to convert a Direct TV satellite dish to detect heat.  He had various VLF receivers and tabletop loop antennas.

  • No presentation files are available.

2022-11-08 – Radio Astronomy for Hams – Tom Crowley KT4XN

Tom talked about the science of Radio Astronomy and how the use of Radio Waves gives us more details about what surrounds us as compared to just looking at the stars through a telescope.  His talk included photos of some of the large antenna arrays he has visited.  The Atlanta Journal-Constitution recently published a nice article about him.

  • No presentation files are available.

2022-10 -11 – GARS Show-n-Tell – The Hands-on Workshop

 The highlights of this Show-n-Tell Workshop; Larry AB5NX brought in his very extensive VHF Winlink stations to demo Winlink.  Folks asked questions and got help setting up Winlink. The hangar was filled with the sound of data packets being exchanged.  Dave W3DJS brought in a Raspberry Pi and answered questions.

  • No presentation files are available.

2022-10-04 – GARS Show-n-Tell – Meeting Presentation – Various Speakers

This is another one of our popular meeting topics and is becoming an annual event where various members show-n-tell about some of their Ham Radio projects. Such as how to repair or restore test equipment, radios, build antennas, etc.

  • No presentation files are available.

2022–09-20 – Favorite Ham Radio and Related Websites – Various Websites

We did a more in-depth review of some of the shared websites. Bill WB4WTN added a few new Favorite Ham Radio websites to the list.  David KA4KKF added a new Ham Cram webpage to the GARS website.  Dave W4DTR and Bob K4CQO used the Workshop to go over new VE procedures and set up tablets for future exam sessions versus paper exams.

2022-09-13 – Favorite Ham Radio and Related Websites and Apps – Various Speakers

This has become one of our Annual meeting topics where members share some of their favorite Ham Related websites and apps.

  • No presentation files are available.

2022-08-16 – How to build a 4-element, 2m, Cubical Quad Antenna – Dallas N4DDM

At this Workshop Dallas presented the final build and went over building techniques so this could be built with common hand tools.  Also discussed was how to get the spacers perpendicular and at the right spacing.  The final cost was right at $20.

  • This was a live presentation, no files are available.

2022-08-09 – How to build a 4-element, 2m, Cubical Quad Antenna – Dallas N4DDM

Dallas went over his selection of plans found on the Internet and the Bill of Materials. The plan/goal is to make this antenna from items found in most garages or big box hardware stores.  Also discussed was how the online calculators can scale this to either a 6m or 10m antenna and with a little work one could build both on the same boom using the same spreaders.  A commercial version of this antenna sells for more than $120 and does not come with bragging rights.

  • Dallas’ presentation (coming soon)
  • GarsTube link; (coming soon)

2022-07-19 – Prequel – How to build a 4-element, 2m, Cubical Quad Antenna – Dallas N4DDM

In this Workshop, Dallas talked about his selection of Cubical Quad antennas calculators and selection of building supplies.  Joe demonstrated his 70cm Quad-Yagi.

  • This was a live presentation, no files are available.

2022-07-12 – Winlink email via Amateur Radio – Mark Bell N7GRB and Larry Whited AB4NX

This presentation was created by our ARRL Technical Specialists Mark Bell N7GRB and presented by our ARRL Technical Coordinator Larry Whited AB4NX.  Both were appointed to their positions for their devotion to training ARES members throughout Georgia.  Winlink and RMS gateways make up our primary Emergency Communications platform.  Winlink goes beyond emergency communications and is used by many hams when they are beyond the reach of a typical Internet connection such as; Maritime Mobile, Camping/RVing, or whenever the lights go out in Georgia.  Larry brought his portable RMS gateway to facilitate live demos of email via amateur radio.

2022-06-21 – Field Day Preparations – David Adcock KA4KKF

We meet at the EAA Hangar and David talked the station captains through the steps of configuring the laptops for Field Day logging while others worked on APRS and DMR.

  • This was a live presentation, no files are available.

2022-06-14 – Ice Cream Social and Field Day Preparations – David Adcock KA4KKF

We meet at Harbins Park in Dacula (our Field Day site) and David covered the needs/plans for Field Day. John Talipsky Jr. N3ACK, President of the Atlanta Radio Club, presented Ralph Pickwick KJ4CNC with the Georgia Educator of the Year award. Then the Ice Cream Social began.

  • This was a live presentation, no files are available.

2022-05-17 – Re-capping and Tube Testing to Bring Radios Back to Life – Don Woodward KD4APP

In this Workshop, Don brought his Hallicrafters S-120, tube tester, and a bunch of documentation about them that he used in his restoration project.  He also brought in the original and custom-made “Bakelite” rear and bottom panels for his Hallicrafter S-38B restore project.  Don also brought in his RIGOL Spectrum Analyzer for folks to test the spectral purity of their HF transmitters.  After the Workshop follow-up – One of the conversations was about “silver mica disease” in IF transformers. 


2022-05-10 – Re-capping and Tube Testing to Bring Radios Back to Life – Don Woodward KD4APP

In Don’s presentation, he went through the test equipment he has acquired to safely power up an old rig after replacing any old frayed power cords.  He showed slides of repairs previous owners have done and how he tackled them.  Don then went over how to purchase re-cap kits versus having to research and source each cap from various vendors.

2022-04-19 – Digital Mode Radio (DMR) – Bob Hoffmann K4CQO 

Bob assisted about a half dozen that brought in their DMR radios.  There were a few DMR Hotspots available for folks to test their radios.  Bob passed out a DMR Handout showing the steps to create a Code Plug and a list of local DMR repeaters.  We had 3 smaller groups working on APRS and Power Pole connectors and demonstrating test equipment for the Ham Shack.

DMR Digital Mobile Radio

2022-04-12 – Digital Mode Radio (DMR) – Bob Hoffmann K4CQO 

Bob went over the technical aspects of Digital Mode Radio (DMR) and how it differs from; D-Star, FM, Fusion, and SSB.  He talked about what Talk Groups are and how to access them.  At a high level, Bob went over the steps on how to program a DMR radio.

2022-03-15 – Workshop – Digital Modes for Amateur Radio (Part-2) –  Bob Hensey K4VBM

This was the 2nd Workshop on Digital Modes for Amateur Radio.  Bob made the rounds assisting those that brought laptops and Jump Kits. Those that didn’t
bring gear huddled around to watch, learn, and contribute.  We had two smaller groups working on APRS and testing of two HF rigs.

  • No formal presentation was made.

2022-03-08 – Digital Modes for Amateur Radio (Part-2) – Bob Hensey K4VBM

This was Part 2 of Bob’s Digital Modes for Amateur Radio presentation.  He continued his in-depth introduction to weak signal digital modes.  Many tips and tricks were talked about how to operate split on FT8.  Bob covered what he calls “chatty” modes such as PSK31 and JS8Call where hams can have meaningful QSOs versus just a signal report exchange for chasing DX.  Bob stressed that these weak signal modes allow modest stations to make worldwide contacts and these modes are in reach of Technicians on 10m and up.  Don’t let living in a HOA neighborhood hold you back.

2022-02-15 – Workshop – Digital Modes for Amateur Radio (Part-1) –  Bob Hensey K4VBM

Bob made the rounds and helped those that needed a hand at getting things working.

Those that didn’t bring laptops or rigs huddled around to watch and learn.

2022-02-08 – Digital Modes for Amateur Radio (Part-1) – Bob Hensey K4VBM

Bob presented the first half of his Digital Modes for Amateur Radio.  The focus was on FT8 and setting up the Network Time Protocol so your station timing is correct.

This is the first of a series of Meeting presentations are followed up with a hands-on Workshop the following week.

  • Bob’s presentation in PDF (coming soon).

2022-01-18 – Workshop – GARS Winter Field Day – Logging Software Configuration – David Adcock KA4KKF

David covered how to configure N3FJP Winter Field Day and other logging software to work with the scoreboard status page on W4GR.  This allows us to have a healthy level of competition between our members.

Basic Pi Tuner Schematic

2022-01-11 – Automatic Antenna Tuners – Dwayne Kincaid WD8OYG of LDG Electronics

Due to Zoom complications, our guest speaker Dwayne Kincaid WD8OYG was not able to join us.  So Kevin Scott K4GTR presented Dwayne’s presentation on the history of antenna tuners.  Kevin did an outstanding job in the presentation and answered many questions from the audience.

2021-11-16 – Workshop – 2m Roll-up J-Pole Antenna Dallas N4DDM

Dallas touched on the theory of 1/4 wave matching stubs, 1/2 wave impedance transformers, common mode choke baluns, and showed us his twist to the common Roll-up J-Pole (A.K.A. Slim Jim) to adjust the 50-ohm connection and tune the length of the antenna.  We had a small turnout to build antennas but had plenty of Elmers to help.  5-6 antennas were made unfortunately we ran out of time before all of the antennas were completed.

2021-11-09 – Current status of the HamSCI project – Dr. Nathaniel Frissell Ph.D. W2NAF

Dr. Nathaniel Frissell used simulations based on data from recent solar storms and eclipses to demonstrate that the ionosphere responsible for long-distance high-frequency radio propagation, is not a smooth structure as often depicted in textbooks. Instead, it is highly dynamic and subject to numerous unexplained small-scale spatial and temporal variabilities. Even with the large, professional-grade observational networks that currently exist, the ionospheric system remains undersampled. In his presentation, he explained how the Ham Radio Science Citizen Investigation (HamSCI) is working to design a Personal Space Weather Station (PSWS) that individuals can place in their own backyards, make observations that contribute to the advancement of ionospheric science, and benefit their own personal amateur radio operations.

2021-10-19 – Workshop – GARS Repeater System – David Adcock KA4KKF

David talked about the current status of the GARS repeaters, controllers, remote receivers, voters, Echo Link, System Fusion, user commands, and touched on future plans. We had a 2m and 70cm set of duplexers on-site for folks to physically see what a duplexer looks like.  David brought the GARS portable 2m repeater.

  • This was a live presentation, no files are available.

2021-10-12 – Favorite Ham Radio and Related Websites – Bill Cherepy WB4WTN

Bill solicited the GARS membership to submit their “favorite ham radio-related websites” and then facilitated each of them to briefly talk about what makes those sites their favorites.

2021-09-21 – Workshop – Portable to Whole House Generators – Kerby Spruiell KG5DLD

Kerby’s presentation was on backup power generators for your family/home with a focus on; type of generator, generator size, fuel options, and costs. The presentation included a Q&A period to help select the generator appropriate for your needs and budget.  In the aftermath of Texas’ Snowmageddon Kerby has upgraded his portable generator to a whole house generator.  

2021-09-14 – An Overview in Next Generation of HF Radio Technology – Michael Walker VA3MW

Michael talked about the changes in HF radio technology in the last 50 years and how Software Defined Radio (SDR) technology is in use today.  We now get much better radio performance for our investment dollar using SDR.  Mike explained and then demonstrated how Software Defined Radio outperforms the traditional Super Heterodyne radio.

2021-08-17 – Workshop – RADIO Scouting & Jamboree on the Air (JOTA) – Steve Back WB2OGY

Steve’s presentation and video explained; RADIO Scouting and what the National and NE GA Councils do.  He also talked about Jamboree on the Air (JOTA) and the need for volunteers to help with JOTA.

2021-08-10 – Working Amateur Satellites – Ruth Willet KM4LAO

Ruth presented how to make contacts using FM and linear satellites.  She gave a brief history of satellites, the science behind satellite communications, equipment needed, logical steps for making QSOs, useful apps/websites for tracking satellites, and fun ways to earn awards!  She introduced us to the complex fun of satellite communications and encouraged us to try it for ourselves!   

2021-07-20 – Workshop – Installing Power Poles – Dallas N4DDM

Dallas went -over the basics of making proper Anderson Powerpole connectors so your connectors will match those made by MFJ, Powerwerx, and others.  Many hints and tips were shared on how to make them right such as using the silver-plated pins versus the tin ones so they last 500% longer.  ARES Task Books were signed.

2021-07-13 – Wi-Fi for Hams – Kevin Scott K4GTR

Kevin did a review of Wi-Fi’s past, current, and future versions.  Technical topics were presented in a practical manner with amateur radio operators in mind.  This was our first In-Person presentation at the EAA 690 Hangar since last year.  Topics included; Compatibility/Interoperability, IEEE specs, Wi-Fi marketing names, Higher speed, increased range, and interference-reduction techniques, Current Band/Channels and future bands/channels, Cool phone apps for looking at active RF channels and network troubleshooting, Reference Wi-Fi Websites, Wi-Fi Extenders, Hot Spots, and more.

2021-06-15 – Workshop – Field Day Planning and Logging – David Adcock KA4KKF – GARS Field Day Chairman

  • No formal presentation.

2021-06-08 –  Ice Cream Social at Harbins Park

  • No formal presentation.

2021-05-18 – Workshop – Intro to 6 Meters & Meteor Scatter Radio Sports – Bennett Smith WB5GVY

Bennett whets your appetites to get on 6m “The Magic Band” and start making contacts.  Bennett explained have just entered the 6m season and Technicians are licensed for the whole band.  Bennett’s modest station consists of antennas in his attic due to HOA restrictions.  He has confirmed 25 DXCC and over 370 grids on 6m.  He showed us how to use Sporadic E, Tropospheric Ducting, Transequatorial Propagation, and Meteor Scatter to make contacts using digital modes. Plenty of helpful hints and screenshots of what digital modes to use and how to make contacts.  If this is not enough to whet your appetite take a look at his in-depth QRZ bio.

2021-05-11 –  VHF/UHF Contests – Ryan Kovacs WG4I

Ryan WG4I discussed VHF/UHF contesting with a focus on the June VHF/UHF contest which is the second weekend in June.  Ryan shared his experiences with this contest and how you can easily participate in these contests.  In the past, the modes were more limited to SSB and CW but with the advent of FT8 and many stations using FM the opportunity for all to participate has increased.  You can work mountain toppers, like Ryan, from your home QTH as well as from your car.  If six meters is open as is typically the case in June, you will have a great opportunity to get some operating activities in your log.  

2021-04-20 – Workshop – Everything You Need to Know About USB and Serial Interfaces – Bob Wilson N6TV

Bob N6TV went into great detail on how to set up your Serial and or USB ports to control your rig for contesting, DX, or just getting the most out of your gig/station.  You should check out his QRZ bio to see his contributions to the hobby and the list of presentations he has given at various conventions.

2021-04-13 – The ARRL Foundation Scholarship & Grant Programs Jim Fenstermaker K9JF

Jim Fenstermaker K9JF presented “The ARRL Foundation Scholarship & Grant Programs”.  Jim has been a member of the ARRL Foundation since 2011.  Since 2019, he has been the chairperson of the ARRL Foundation Scholarship team.  During this time, the scholarship team has awarded nearly $1 million in scholarships to deserving student ham radio operators. 

2021-03-16 – Workshop – Improve your portable and RV mobile operation – Rich Donahue K0PIR

Rich used selected clips from his YouTube videos to put together his presentation of his portable and RV sites.  Included were clips of his; Antenna Launcher that uses a 22-cal blank to launch lines over tall trees  The use of a Mini600 Antenna Analyzer, his selection of various antennas depending on the trees (or lack of) at each site. Use of solar power and selection of RFI quiet inverters.

2021-03-09 – The Art of QSL’ing (or how I learned the hard way) – Neil Foster N4FN

Neil Foster N4FN presented; The Art of QSLing (or “How I Learned the Hard Way”). For 100 years, amateur radio operators have been exchanging QSL cards to confirm two-way radio contact between stations. In this presentation, you’ll hear about how it all works. Neil also holds the British “A” license as G0NBJ (ex G5DKW) and has been licensed since 1960. He has 12 DXCC awards and has 347 countries/entities confirmed in LoTW, Honor Roll, RSGB Commonwealth DXCC and needs only 3 for number 1 honor Roll. He has operated from 13 DX entities.

2021-02-16 – Workshop – Nano-VNA (Vector Network Analyzer) Part 2 – Lee Johnson N4WYE

Lee gave a quick review of our January presentation and then moved on to how to calibrate the NanoVNA. Lee showed us how to make 2-port measurements on an 80m Dunestar Band Pass Filter that was clearly out of specs.  The insertion loss was well over 1 dB in the passband and the roll-off was 5 dB down at 4Mhz, the top end of the 80m band.  Lee used the same PowerPoint presentation from the January GARS meeting but discussed how to make real-world measurements in this Workshop.

2021-02-09 – The 4-Year Amateur Radio Upgrade to ISS – John Kludt K7SYS

There is a new radio on the ISS with crossband repeater capabilities! But we didn’t just go down the local ham radio store and buy one. How many radios have been on the ISS and how did the new one get there? Why did it take so long? What does a red LED mean to the ISS crew? That a piece of equipment is turned on? Or something else? Where are the radios on the ISS and what does the “shack photo” look like? All of these questions and more are answered as we discuss the new radio on the ISS, its capabilities, and give some tips on how best to use it.

2021-01-19 – Workshop – Georgia Amateur Radio Situation Awareness Map – Brian Haren W8BYH

Brian walked us through the creation of his Georgia ARES Situational Awareness Map website and how to use the various features and map layers to display various repeater types (Analog FM, D-Star, Fusion, DMR), digipeaters, Winlink gateways, NOAA warnings/weather overlays, various traffic overlays, and hurricane evacuation routes.

2021-01-12 – Nano-VNA (Vector Network Analyzer) – Lee Johnson N4WYE

Lee with a BS in Electrical Engineering had a forty-year career in communication systems.  He served in; product design, engineering/marketing management roles in; digital communication systems, cellular, satellite, fiber optics, and semiconductors.  He has used more sophisticated commercial Vector Network Analyzers but when he saw the early announcements of the NanoVNA, he knew he had to have one if he wanted to construct and optimize a 49:1 transformer for his HF End Fed Half Wave antennas. He was able to get the SWR below 2:1 on all bands and the internal tuner handled the rest. 

2020-12-15 – Workshop – Programming the 99 Memories of the IC-7300 – Dave Slotter W3DJS

Dave told us all about his adventures on how to program the 99 memories of the IC-7300. This workshop was based on a review Dave wrote about the FREE software he found to do this.  The review is in the December 2020 GARzette, pages 7 and 8.  The software used and author; ICOM 7300 Memory Manager by Seth Cohens KB3HHA.

2020-12-08 – New Features of HamPi 1.2 with a demonstration – Dave Slotter W3DJS

HamPi 1.2 has just been released and Dave will demo the top 3 new features: 

  • Universal Ham Radio Remote Control (UHRR) is an open source’s answer to RigPi and I contributed to that project.
  • RpiTx – use the Raspberry Pi to transmit RF from its built-in GPIO pins.
  • New Raspberry Pi OS was just released last week. Faster video playback and videoconference capabilities included CUPS Printing and more.

2020-11-17 – Workshop – Explaining Ten-Ten International – Chaz Cone W4GKF

Chaz gave us a very informative, short, and sweet, history of Ten-Ten International and how he became the Chapter Head of the North Georgia Chapter of 10-X International.

2020-11-10 – End Fed Half Wave Antennas – Steve Ellington N4LQ

Steve Ellington N4LQ discusses End Fed Half Wave Antennas (EFHW).

2020-10-20 – Workshop – Ridgid Pro Toolbox and Cart Transformation to VHF-UHF Radio Go-Box Set – Mark Bell N7GRB

Mark Bell N7GRB — Our very own GARS Members and Gwinnett ARES AEC for Public Health — Hospital Team, a Georgia AUXCOMM Board Member and Deputy Section Chief, Operations. Past experience with the Civil Air Patrol and with running waterborne and land-based VHF tactical nets in the Coast Guard Auxiliary.  Mark explains his thought process and choices he made as he built his Go-Box from a set of RIDGID toolboxes.

2020-10-13 – GARS Homebrew Show & Tell

  • No Presentation available

2020-09-15 – Workshop – functionality and programming your radio – Chuck Adams KV4VT (SK)

Chuck Adams KV4VT (SK) explained his role as the Georgia Administrator for  Chuck also talked about RepeaterBook functionality and how it can best be used to support the programming of your radios.  Chuck’s presentation in PDF (2.9MB) format.

2020-09-08 – Having fun with QRP – Steve Hudson AA4BW

  • No Presentation available

2020-08-18 – Workshop – Parks on the Air (POTA) – Bill Cherepy WB4WTN

Join Bill, WB4WTN told us about his many adventures of operating from various parks and how you can get started with Parks on the Air (POTA) or just work those that do.

Online Demonstration via GoToMeeting – Bill’s presentation in PDF (2.2MB) format.

2020-08-11 – HamPi The Raspberry Pi Ham Radio Software Collection – Dave Soltter W3DJS

Dave told us about his creation of HamPi and briefly told us of the many Ham Radio Software applications pre-installed in the distribution.

  • Live Demonstration – No Presentation available

2020-07-21 – Workshop – Oscilloscopes – Kevin Scott K4GTR

Join Kevin, K4GTR, in learning about oscilloscopes.

  • Live Demonstration – No Presentation available

2020-07-14 – The ARRL – Mickey Baker N4MB, ARRL Southeastern Division Director

Mickey Baker, Director of ARRL Southeastern Division, discusses what the ARRL is, who runs it, what it does for amateur radio, its member services, and what he has personally done in his job with regards to ARRL’s COVID-19 response.

2020-06-16 – Workshop – Field Day Operation from Home – David Adcock KA4KKF

Join Field Day Chair, David, KA4KKF in covering Field Day operation, including usage of N3FJP Field Day Logging software.

  • Live Demonstration – No Presentation available

2020-06-09 – Quickly Coil Your Cables With a Spooler You Can Make – Joe Biddle AP4PZ

Joe showed us how to build a cable spooler for coiling up cables after QSO Parties, Field Day, and other events.

2020-05-19 – Workshop – Chirp Operation – Dallas KD4HNX

Dallas, KD4HNX gave a quick tour of Chrip and how to download all the repeater settings for your county/state.  Great info if you are going on a road trip and want to program your radio(s) before you hit the road.

2020-05-12 – Antenna Camouflage and Know Your Coax – Kevin Scott K4GTR

Kevin Scott K4GTR presents useful tips for camouflaging amateur radio antennas. HOA, covenant, and deed-restricted hams know how important this is!  Plus lots of info on coax and cable loss.

2020-04-21 – Workshop – Intro to SDRUno – Dave Slotter W3DJS

Join Dave, W3DJS in learning how SDRUno functions along with the SDRPlay RSP Software Defined Radio

  • Live Demonstration – No Presentation available

2020-04-14 – Programming Your Radio – John Davis WB4QDX

GARS President, John Davis WB4QDX explains the latest ins and outs of radio programming. This presentation is useful to both new and experienced hams.

2020-03-17 – No Workshop due to COVID-19

No presentation available

2020-03-10 – Ham Radio Awards, The Thrill of the Chase – Bob Hensey K4VBM

Bob demonstrated that you must enter to win and just a few contacts can get you an award.

2020-02-18 – Workshop – Life Preservation – Sandy Jackson KJ4DRO

Join Sandy, KJ4DRO life-saving techniques, and how AED’s work.

Live Demonstration – No presentation available

2020-02-11 – Locating Power Line and other RF Noise – Jeff Stuparits W4DD

Engineer Jeff Stuparits W4DD explains how to identify, track down, and get your power company to address power line noise issues. Power Line and other RF interference can affect amateur, commercial, public safety, governmental, and broadcast radio signals.

2020-01-21 – Workshop – Using Raspberry Pi for Ham Radio (Part 2) – Dave Slotter W3DJS

Dave demonstrated configuring and using ham radio applications on the Raspberry Pi.  Folks were encouraged to bring their Pi setups to get them configured.  Dave was available to flash Raspberry Pi images to SD or microSD cards.

2020-01-14 – AM-FM-TV Digital Broadcasting and Channel Packing Plan – Kevin Scott K4GTR

Kevin Scott K4GTR explains the progression of broadcast from analog to digital to 4K, including spectrum auctions and channel packing.

2019-12-07 – Holiday Party

Happy Holidays!!! 80 attended the party.  Photos on page 5 of the GARzette

2019-11-19 – Workshop – Using Raspberry Pi for Ham Radio (Part 1) – Dave Slotter W3DJS

Dave demonstrated configuring and using some ham radio applications on the Raspberry Pi. If you want a copy of the W3DJS Raspberry Pi Ham Radio Image, bring an SD or microSD card to have the image flashed on.

2019-11-14 – Remote Control Amateur Radio – Ray Bailey N4GYN

Ray Bailey N4GYN briefly discusses his tower followed by an in-depth discussion on remote control radio. Focusing on RCForb which is available at Ray discusses the setup and use of this program which allows radio amateurs to use remote stations.

2019-10-15 – Workshop – Go Kits – Ed Woodrick WA4YIH

A comprehensive look into various styles of Go Kits including what features hams should pay attention to when building their own.

2019-10-08 – The GARS Massive Homebrew Show and Tell – Various Presenters

At the 2019 show and tell, homemade (homebrewed) items GARS members show off include a dummy load, a 49:1 balun, a power pole style power distribution unit, an LCD QRP Labs QCX CW transceiver, a Morse code telegraph diorama demonstrator, antenna raising technique, a long coax spooler/unspooler, a $5 high wattage antenna tuner, a 50W transmitter, emergency communications go-kits, and a Raspberry Pi shack computer.

2019-09-17 – Workshop – QRZ – Dave Slotter W3DJS

What is QRZ and how can I get the most from it?

2019-09-10 – Why Hams Use Morse Code – Jim Stafford W4QO (SK)

Morse code expert Jim Stafford W4QO (SK) explains the fun, useful aspects of this mode of CW communication that so many amateur radio operators still enjoy today.

2019-08-20 – Workshop – Goin’ Mobile – Alex Kowalchuk W4KYW

Mobile Radio Installations.

2019-08-13 – Hints and Kinks of Antenna Launching – Kevin Scott K4GTR

How to get your antenna in the air.

  • This was a live presentation, no files are available.

2019-07-16 – Workshop – Club Log – Mike Weathers ND4V

What is Club Log, and how do I get started?

2019-07-09 – Operating From “Last Man Standing” – John WB4QDX, Amy KE4IFK, Ed WA4IYH

John, Amy, and Ed told us about operating from the Last Man Standing set which is an actual working station not just a TV prop.

2019-06-18 – Field Day Prep – Dave Adcock KA4KKF and Ed Woodrick WA4YIH

2019-06-11 – Ice Cream Social at Harbins Park

No presentation, just ice cream, and great comradery.

2019-05-21 – Workshop – Soldering 101 – Dave Adanich K8WDJ

SOLDERING 101 – “Or How Not To Burn Your Fingers”

This Workshop is set up to teach basic soldering techniques that a Ham or any electronic enthusiast can appreciate. Did you know that there is evidence that soldering was employed as early as 5,000 years ago in Mesopotamia? Soldering and brazing are thought to have originated very early in the history of metal-working, probably before 4000 BC. Sumerian swords from 3000 BC were assembled using hard soldering. Soldering was historically used to make jewelry items, cooking ware, and tools, as well as other uses such as in assembling stained glass.

This Workshop, while directed to new hams and beginners in electronics, is also a valuable tool to the “old-timers”. There are many new techniques that will be presented in the hopes that all attendees can leave this Workshop with up-to-date information that will make that new homebrew project or kit worthwhile. I will give a short presentation at the beginning (20 mins +or-) of the Workshop then we will go into some real tabletop soldering projects.

  • Live Demonstration – No presentation available

2019-05-14 – Electromagnetic Puls; Is It Real? – Greg Abernathy AI4UD

No presentation files.

2019-04-16 – Workshop – WebSDR – Bill Cherepy WB4WTN

No presentation files.

2019-04-09 – W1AW Tour With Joe Carcia NJ1Q

Take a virtual tour of the Hiram Percy Maxim Memorial Station W1AW located on the grounds of ARRL Headquarters in Newington, Connecticut.

2019-03-19 – Workshop – Yaesu System Fusion – Chris K1KC

What is Yaesu System Fusion, how is it different than the other digital voice modes, and how do I start using it? Be sure to bring your Yaesu System Fusion radio for hands-on help.

2019-03-12 – Marriage of Old & New Technology – The Original Text Messaging – Steve Garrison N4TTY and Nick Nikley N0NCQ

No presentation files.

2019-02-19 – Workshop – Ham Hotspots – Ed Woodrick WA4YIH

Ed walked us through what ard Digital Ham Hotspots, what modes can we use them for, and how are they different from cell phone hotspots?

2019-02-12 – Powerpoles Connectors – Dave Bruse W4DTR

Dave presented a short presentation about Powerpole connectors, followed by questions and answers.

2019-01-15 – Workshop – LOTW Part 2 – Tips, Tricks, and Traps – Mike Weathers ND4V

Multiple calls, multiple TQSL certificates, multiple locations, remote operation, mobile operation, recovery from a hard drive crash, Lost certificates, lost log database, playing nice with Clublog, what about my paper confirmations, AND MUCH MORE!!!

2019-01-14 – TechFest – Intro to DMR & Advanced Topics – Ken Bryant K1DMR